Energy Conversion Calculator

Are you interested in saving energy and carbon?  Try our FREE payback on investment calculator  It provides instant energy/carbon/cost savings on an ever-expanding range of energy efficiency/low carbon technologies.

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Liquid Fuel kWh calculator

Use this calculator to convert liquid fuel (litres consumed) in to kWh.

What type of Liquid fuel do you have?If you are unsure, check your delivery notes or contact your supplier
Burning Oil (Kerosene) Calculation: [field4*10.295] kWh
Gas Oil (Red Diesel) Calculation: [field5*10.742] kWh
LPG Calculation: [field18*7.099] kWh
If you have more than one building, you can go back and re-enter consumption data and record your results here.Upon pressing submit, we will e-mail you a copy of the results (please note the data is not saved until you press submit
Building IdentifierkWh result
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